Sunday 24 March 2013

Clock tower - Phase 4 - Interior

I completed the outside of the Clock Tower, so have now finished the back and sides of the interior. I have yet to build the staircase leading up to the other levels, but this is it so far.

Clock Tower - Phase 3

The finished exterior of the Clock Tower!

Clock tower - Phase 2

Carrying on with the Clock Tower.

Clock Tower - Phase 1

This is when I started to build the Clock Tower at one end of the courtyard.

Clock Tower Courtyard - Phase 2

Here I added in the fountain in the centre, replaced all of the floor with stone bricks and added final details - the moss on the roof and finalized the columns around the edges.

Clock Tower Courtyard - Phase 1

 I started with the Clock tower Courtyard, as it is slightly in the centre of things. It leads down into the grounds, yet also has corridors that lead to the Hospital Wing and the Grand Staircase.
This was the start of it.

Starting out...

Okay. First of all, Hi there!

I have decided to undertake the almost impossible task of recreating Hogwarts on Minecraft on the Xbox 360.
I am not an experienced builder, neither have I attempted anything more than a small fort on a level, so why I have done this I do not know...

This blog will be for me to upload progress pictures for you to see, and any comments/criticisms are welcome.

Please, enjoy :)